The Corporación Internacional Empresarios en Acción - CEA International, is a private non-profit corporation, created to provide advice, educational, technical, and financial assistance to entrepreneurs and/or businesses, whose objectives are based on a culture that leads to the generation of the development of a true human being, ethical and committed to society. Support that motivates the promotion of a supportive human network of “give-receive-give”.
Our values
Generosity, which contemplates a philosophical and cultural practice of:
To Give- To Receive- To Give
Work together, in a harmonious environment of ethical integrity.
We will carry out responsible, loving, and empathetic work.
We strive for clear, honest communication with a sincere feeling of serving.
We are a group of entrepreneurs, whose action will reflect the practice of a culture of
Institutional Philosophy
To provide advice, educational, technical, and financial assistance to entrepreneurs and/or businesses, whose objectives are based on a culture that leads to the generation of the development of a true human being, ethical and committed to society. Support that motivates the promotion of a supportive human network of “to give-to receive-to give”.
Our mission is inspired by the vision of Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, Bapak.
“The purpose of the enterprise is not at all to build up great fortunes for yourselves. On the contrary, the purpose is to fulfil the needs of society, the needs of those around you who need taking care of.”
Bapak 81SAO1, Human Enterprise, Rahman Connelly, and Bradford Temple, 1995, page 30
We aspire, within 5 years, through a team of national and international experts and inter-institutional agreements of different disciplines of human activity, to be active partners for the development and strengthening of the entrepreneurs and businesses of the Subud Community.
CEA International aims to be a culturally and financially sustainable entity, lasting over time, supported by the expression and development of talents, which are born from within the human being. We are inspired by a culture of giving back, TO GIVE-TO RECEIVE- TO GIVE to entrepreneurs and business owners who request it.
Who makes CEA International?
A team of people, who combine their experiences in various areas of practical and theoretical knowledge, seeking to move a network of solidarity support for businessmen and entrepreneurs with pressing needs to develop their projects.
Harris González
Helen Muñoz
Mónica Ramírez
Arsad Medina
Fernandez Peraza
Ismail Romero
Nataniel Trujillo
Manuel Queiroz
Leopoldo Vitale
Rosario Moir
To promote the Subud culture of business and human enterprise, received by Bapak, that facilitates the understanding of our mission and vision.
To motivate members who wish to develop their entrepreneurship and talents based on Subud principles.
To promote the creation and conceptualization of sustainable projects through a culture of growth, savings, and education.
CEA International will provide advice, monitoring, and periodic evaluation with the hope that the projects that have been supported will achieve self-sustainability.
We will create a national and international database of experts to support our entrepreneurs and business owners and provide the technical advice that corresponds to the need created at any time during the entrepreneurship or development of their companies.
Provide financial support to entrepreneurs and businesses who require it, for the development of their objectives and who agree and meet the requirements of our operating policy.
If you want to have a Socio-Emotional Model After School Program for your Entity, download the following link with the prerequisites:
English translation of video, from Spanish
Everyone, receive cordial greetings. I am Blanca Ossa, a helper in the city of Armenia, Colombia.
CEA International, has a program called AFTER SCHOOL socio-emotional model, it is a program created by Mónica Ramírez, graduate in education, with a specialization in psycho-pedagogy. Through an agreement between CEA Internacional and Crecer en Amor, the AFTER SCHOOL program was implemented in the municipality of Dosquebradas, Risaralda. The support we have received for this program from CEA International has been invaluable: advice on the implementation of the model, administrative advice, resources for the payment of teachers and administrative activities, teaching materials, musical implements, supervision, accompaniment, permanent feedback. The project is a non-formal education program, which aims to complement the education received by children in school, has a very clear purpose and is to protect children and young people from the risks that threaten them, from the dangers that menace them in their communities such as gangs, bullying, domestic violence, violence in the streets, the consumption of psychoactive substances, early pregnancy, child prostitution, child and youth suicide, that has reached very high rates in this region and at this time. The agreement made between Crecer en Amor and CEA International benefits our organization Subud, because we are Subud people working and developing Subud projects to benefit people outside of Subud
English translation of video, from Spanish
Hello everyone, I am Rosalinda Jiménez Ramírez. I am a young Subud woman belonging to the Subud group of Amanecer. I am currently leading the GRATITUD Program, a program of the International Corporation Entrepreneurs in Action. I want to tell you a little about the GRATITUD Program, which like its name says, aims to thank, love, and dignify the older adult population of our Subud brotherhood. Among the objectives that we find in the GRATITUDE program is to strengthen the interpersonal relationships and coexistence of adults in their own environment, organize socio-cultural activities of an artistic and creative nature, that lessen the physical and cognitive deterioration linked to the aging process.
English translation of video, from Spanish
I am Nicolas Andrade from the Subud group in Cali, Colombia. Tierra de Colibríes was born with the desire to be a resource for young people to motivate them to stay in the rural area, farming with new techniques according with their new style of life. We began our project by instructing them in hydroponics techniques where we used traditional chemicals to give all the nutrients that plants require for their development. Then we teach them to extract nutrients from the same vegetables through ultra-efficient biodigesters. CEA International financed this project to achieve this goal.
One aspect to highlight is the impact that this concept has had on nearby communities. With the Mayor's Office and the Government, we are working on a new project for people with disabilities to provide them with a decent occupation. We know that with CEA International we will be able to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.